Camp’s Wishlist
Items We (Really) Need
Lutherhaven would not be where it is today without the faithful gifts of time, talents, and treasures of over 70 years of supporters just like you! We always need stuff to keep staff and campers safe, kids busy, and programs running.
For example, many of our vehicles (donations from year’s past) are old, worn and need replacing. You may be able to deduct the fair market value of a vehicle donation on your Federal and State income tax return. Contact Sarah for more information.
A few big things camp needs that can’t be found on the Wish List…Â
- Mini Van to increase our fleet (Email Rebecca)
- RV/Mobile Trailer to expand our summer camp housing for seasonal volunteers & staff (Email Rebecca)
- Ski Boat for summer fun with campers (Email Rebecca)
See our Amazon Wish List for a complete list of items we need. Thank you!
Have Questions?
For more information on giving opportunities to Lutherhaven Ministries or to schedule a visit to your home, group or congregation, please contact:
Sarah Jones, Donor Engagement and Events Manager
(208) 667-3459Â ext. 122