Shoshone Mountain Retreat
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Shoshone Mountain Retreat
29216 Coeur d’Alene River Road
Wallace, ID 83873
(208) 682-2267 (Phone: May 1 – October 15)
(208) 667-3459
Shoshone is a true mountain retreat at the western edge of the ruggedly famous Bitterroot Mountains.
Dormitory lodging provides ideal facilities for large youth group gatherings (20 to 140+). Three large guest houses provide private, family-style accommodations for families and smaller groups up to 60.
Wilderness adventure abounds right out our doors: mountain hikes, nationally-renowned “best in the west” Rails-to-Trails biking, inner-tubing down the river, world class fly fishing, rock climbing, and plenty more all take place from the comfort of a well-maintained and home-style camp environment.
Shoshone Creek Ranch operates under an Outfitters and Guides Permit from the Idaho Panhandle National Forests.
Programs at Shoshone
Summer Camps
Day Camps
Family Programs
Retreats & Events
Outdoor Education
Idaho Servant Adventures