Volunteer Health Care Manager

Volunteer Health Care Manager

Calling All Health Care Professionals

Are you an RN, physician, PA, NP, EMT, medic or first aider? Camp Lutherhaven’s looking for volunteer Health Care Managers to serve a week at summer camp.

Health Care Managers serve Sunday to Friday during our 8-week camp season, working alongside Lutherhaven’s Health Care Assistant to play a vital role in the safety and success of our program.

What You Get

  • A memory-making week-long servant-leadership opportunity with kids of all ages.
  • Housing provided.
  • Meals for the week for you and your family.
  • Camperships for up to two kids, (You may gift them to others. Covers two camps at base cost, $533/child. The difference in additional fees for specialty camps such as Ranch Camp, Trek Off-Site Adventure Camp, etc. will apply).
  • You may bring your younger non-camp kids with you for the week; supervision required.

Position Summary

The Health Care Manager is responsible for maintaining camper health needs, providing emergency care, managing the health care center, keeping records and facilitating communication, attending meetings, and providing support to other staff.

The key to this position is to ensure the health and safety of campers and staff during the weeks at camp. This includes completing program evaluations, supporting campers, and fostering positive experiences. The future of the camp program relies on the fun, effective and safety of the camp program.

This position reports to the Youth Program Coordinator or their designee.

Weeks are not guaranteed, depending on the number of applicants and their qualifications.


The Health Care Manager is qualified as follows: licensed physician, Registered Nurse, Physician’s Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Practical Nurse, paramedic, Emergency Medical Technician, or at minimum, currently certified in American Red Cross Wilderness First Aid, Wilderness First Responder, Standard First Aid, or the equivalent.

The person must:

  • Provide current CPR/First Aid Certification.
  • Manage the Camp Health & Wellness Standards and Standing Orders.
  • Have the desire and ability to work with children and adults.
  • Be at least 21 years of age.

How To Apply

  • Call our registrar at 208-667-3459 or email richie@lutherhaven.com.
  • Provide references and your medical/first aid credentials.
  • In addition, if accepted to serve as Volunteer Health Care Manager, you must provide a copy of your certifications for our files.

Have Questions?

Contact us at 208.667.3459 or email richie@lutherhaven.com.